Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

Abbie de Quant

Onze “eigen” Abbie de Quant behoort zonder meer tot de topfluitisten die Nederland heeft voortgebracht. Niet alleen in ons land, maar ook ver buiten onze landsgrenzen geniet Abbie een enorme populariteit als soliste op zowel concerten als CD’s met een bijzonder uitgebreid repertoire dat reikt van Barok tot hedendaagse Westerse en Aziatische muziek. Haar reputatie houdt echter niet op bij het spelen alleen. Ook als pedagoge is Abbie de Quant een autoriteit. Ze wordt alom geroemd om haar brede visie op het gehele fluitrepertoire en haar inspirerende gedrevenheid tijdens het doceren op alle nivo’s.

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A musical encounter with Abbie de Quant is unique every time. She has the capacity to transmit a wide spectrum of emotions.

For more than twelve years, Abbie de Quant has organized her own series in the Small Auditorium at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. Typical of these series is that each program contains at least one new composition especially written for her. Her repertoire spans from the Baroque to contemporary Western and Asian music. This has resulted in very diverse programs in which she regularly crosses the borders of her own areas of profession. That is also reflected in the programming for the 2005/2006 season.

For "Songs without Words" (with Masumi Nagasawa, harp), K. Suzuki "Wishbone" composed a performance. In the program "Homage to Poulenc" (with Elizabeth van Malde, piano) new compositions by Bart Visman and Jan Bus can be heard.
Finally, for "Three Poetess in music", (with Jannie Pranger, soprano and Elizabeth van Malde, piano), Toek Numan, Astrid Kruisselbrink and Caroline Ansink composed the music to the poems by Vasalis, Hanny Michaelis and Judith Herzberg.

New music occupies an important place in Abbie de Quant's repertoire. Aside from the aforementioned composers, she inspired, in the past, Theo Loevendie, Jan Rokus van Roosendael, Otto Ketting, Chiel Meijering, Jo van den Booren and Ton de Leeuw to writing new works.

Abbie de Quant was a pupil of Jan Prins and later Koos Verheul. In 1970 she graduated Summa Cum Laude in solo performance. During her studies at the conservatory she took courses with the famous Italian flutist and teacher, Severino Gazzellonie, and received the Diploma di Onore from the Academia Chigiana in Siena. She has won many national and international competitions including the Cum Laude Competition, the Belgian-Netherlands Competition, the Gaudeamus Competition and the flute competitions of Royan and Munich. In 1973 she received the Prix d'Excellence.

She has performed with almost all premier Dutch orchestras and also with many foreign orchestras under the baton of conductors as Neville Marriner, Luciano Berio, Roberto Benzi,Ton Koopman, Hans Zender, David Zinman, Jean Francois Paillard,Kenneth Montgomery and Sir Raymond Leppard. She has performed in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East.

Abbie de Quant also teaches at the Royal Conservatory of Amsterdam.

Many recordings of her works have been published by i.e. EMI, CBS, Erasmus and Etcetera.

Her last cd is "Songs Without Words" with Masumi Nagasawa, harp; Etcetera (KTC 1249).