Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

You can learn to play the saxophone

You can learn to play the saxophone, but where do you do that? How long does it take before you notice real progress? Here you will find tips on starting with a saxophone.

Check out our range of saxophones for beginners

The basics

There are apps, YouTube videos, and other online solutions, which are often very suitable for a somewhat advanced student. A beginner student benefits most from a professional saxophone teacher. This is because a teacher ensures that the basics are correct. This way, you don't develop bad habits that you will have to unlearn later.

There is no age limit for learning the saxophone; even if you are 75, learning the saxophone is still a fun challenge. For children, it is important that their fingers can reach the keys, and for this, a number of special children's saxophones have been designed. Most people start on an alto or tenor saxophone, as these are the easiest saxophones to play and the most well-known.

On a saxophone, you can play a song fairly quickly. There might still be an occasional wrong note or squeak. With about six months to a year of lessons and practice, those squeaks will disappear. To achieve a truly beautiful sound, it will take a few years of practice, and you need to play a lot, preferably every day. But you will definitely notice your improvement over the course of the year.

General tips

  • Try to play every day. The best is 20 minutes to half an hour every day, but 10 minutes also helps, especially in the beginning. Practicing 20 minutes a day is better than one 4-hour session once a week.
  • Are you not focused enough to practice at that moment? Do something else for a while and try again later.
  • Is an exercise not going well? Leave it for a few days and practice other things. After a few days, pick up the exercise again, and it often goes much better.
  • Look for a practice space where you don't have to worry about neighbors or other unwanted listeners. It is important to have a space where you are not afraid to make mistakes while practicing.
  • Can't practice for a day? There are breathing exercises you can do. Ask your teacher what is most useful for you.