Adams Musical Instruments - Together in Music

Serienummers - Henry Disten

Serial Number Year Manufactured
391 (London) 1850
2371 1856 (Arnold Meyers)
3509 1857
6280 1867
10428 (10215) 1868
20722 (10688) 1869
21287 (22054) 1870
25021 1872
29394 (29733) 1874
moved to New York 1877
266 1879
256 (261) 1880
551 (251) 1881
568 1882
moved to Philadelphia  
1462 1883
5085 (5964) 1889
6285 1890
moved to Williamsport  
8124 1891
8207 (8578) 1892
9119 (9021) 1893
11089 1894
14242 (15048) 1896
15233 (17496) 1897
15568 1898
15828 1899
16586 1900
16888 1901
17557 1902
17948 1903
22054 1909
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